
Youth In Africa

Youth in Africa is a Pan- African Organisation with the mandate
of equipping youth with relevant skills in the 21st century, to
make them more competitive, resourceful and independent.

We endeavour to harness their strengths, equip and empower
them for transformation.
When they are equipped with knowledge and skills they can
impact and transform their lives, their societies and the
continent at large
We have presence in all the 54 countries in Africa and fully
fledged chapters in 46 countries.
We are a mastermind network of youth in Africa who are not
sitting at the periphery of Africa’s plight and development.
We are at the front line to foster creative solutions, leadership
and governance, knowledge and brilliance, skills and ideas to
create and develop our societies, countries and continent!

Our Mision

To empower youth with relevant skills and knowledge through targeted trainings, mentorship, coaching and seminars for impact.

Our Vision

To build, develop and give a platform for Africa's youth to position themselves for global IMPACT!

Our Covergage

We have presence in all the 54 countries in Africa!!

Our Core Villages

  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Creativity
  • Inclusivity
  • Godliness
Our Covergage

We have established a rich pool of experts and trainers in different areas who train youth on skills on a daily basis. We have also partnered with key  institutions and companies globally who offer skills programs for youth for more impact. These include Google Digital Skills for Africa and Facebook.


Membership is open for any youth in the continent and abroad to be part of this mastermind network of youth leaders.

Membership fee is USD 5 valid for 48 months.

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