7Years of Experience

Amb. Sarah Munyi

Sarah Munyi (FIIM) is: • A Life Coach, • An Executive Leadership & Change Management Consultant • A Corporate Trainer and Evangelist • A Business Strategist and Author • An International Advocate for youth empowerment and a global leader! • She is passionate about inspiring people to dream more, do more and become more
  • president@youthinafrika.org

She endeavours to build and inspire the same values
• Integrity
• Honesty
• Excellence
• Professionalism
• Transforming Generations
• Godliness
A highly sought after corporate trainer, consultant and speaker.

Sarah has worked with many businesses and corporate organizations in Kenya and Africa in building capacity to their staff, through high impact corporate trainings in the areas of leadership, change management, sales & customer service, strategic planning and personal development.

Some of the organizations she has worked with are;
• Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)
• GLOW International
• Safaricom Limited
• The National Treasury
• Versatile Group
• State Department for Planning
• Yetu Sacco among others.
Sarah believes that businesses and organizations take the shape of those building them, thus training and building capacity to staff and employees is key in building strong, sustainable and impactful organizations.

“Build the people build the business” is her slogan.
➢ Sarah believes that coaching is a great tool that can be used to draw someone’s potential, ability and greatness.
➢ Her passion to help people, businesses and organizations change, grow, excel and achieve their dreams and visions inspired her to start the Change To Excellence coaching program, a global personal growth strategy, and leadership program that has impacted and transformed thousands of lives globally!
➢ She coaches people in different areas of growth, to disrupt their status quo, pursue their passions and purpose, and achieve their greatest dreams.
➢ She was part of the high level Global Mega Symposium in December 2020, which featured 20 leading coaches and experts in different areas globally, and conducted a very successful global training/ coaching.
➢ She was also appointed to represent Kenya as a Life Coach in the same symposium in September 2021 which will feature 40 coaches and experts in different areas to conduct a global training symposium.

➢ When it comes to empowering youth, Sarah is a champion with an unrivalled passion.
➢ She believes that Africa is a better place and a destination for great socio-economic abundance, when its largest, most creative and energetic population; the youth are aware of their potential, responsibility and power, and utilize these to solve problems that oppress the growth of their societies, nations and continent.
➢ She believes that when youth are equipped with knowledge and skills, they can bring their ideas and dreams to life and be at the forefront to provide solutions to endemic problems that bedevil the continent.
➢ She has created platforms across the African continent and globally where youth can engage and share ideas on key developmental areas to contribute to nation and continental building.
➢ She has travelled across Kenya and spoken to tens of thousands of youths and students in universities, colleges, high schools, youth seminars and gatherings.
➢ She travels across the continent organizing and conducting global youth meetings, conferences, seminars and university public lectures.
➢ She has so far travelled and done this in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Togo, Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Ethiopia, India, Mozambique and Burkina Faso.

➢ She is a common invited speaker in corporate, business, youth and women conferences across the continent and globally.
➢ She is a media personality having graced numerous TV, Radio, and online shows and newspaper features in the continent and beyond.
➢ Through her online training platforms, she has been able to speak, train and empower youth and women from over 50 countries across Africa and globally.
➢ Some of the notable global conferences she has spoken at are;
• The World Congress hosted by the Global Business Roundtable in Johannesburg, South Africa.
• The International Youth Summit for SDGs by Gujarat University in India.

➢ She has recently received a recognition by World Book of Records, UK, for her dedication in promoting safety during the Covid 19 Pandemic.
➢ She was named The African Woman of the Year 2020 by Women in Africa for Transformation Initiative from Nigeria for her efforts in girl child and women empowerment in Africa.
➢ She was accorded an Honorary Fellowship (FIIM Fellow) from the Institute of Information Management from Nigeria She was awarded the African Promising Career Award 2019 by Voice Achievers from the Netherlands.

➢ She was awarded a Volunteers Award by Vigor Awards International from Canada in 2020 for her efforts in youth empowerment in Africa.
➢ She is the recipient of the Education Mentorship Award in Uganda in 2017 by One Million Mentors Mandate for her efforts in youth empowerment in East Africa.
➢ She is also the recipient of the most coveted Overall Future Leaders Award in South Africa by The Global Business Roundtable for her efforts in youth empowerment in 2019.
➢ She was named African Woman Leader 2021 by the World Women Leadership Congress in India.

➢ She is the Convener of The Grassroots Leadership Program by Youth in Africa which seeks to give voice to youth across the continent to address issues affecting their societies and countries.
➢ The Convener of Youth in Africa Week celebrated globally from 1-5th June annually.
➢ She serves as a Co-Chairperson of Global Business Roundtable Future Leaders.
➢ The Country Director of Women in Africa in Kenya
➢ The President of Youth in Africa!
➢ The founder and Chief Executive Officer at LeadPro Afrika Consultants, a capacity building Company in Kenya.
➢ The founder and Lead Coach at Change To Excellence Academy, a personal Development and leadership academy based in Kenya!
➢ She serves as an Advisory Board Member at Global Business Roundtable, South Africa.
➢ An executive board member in public high schools,
• St. Agnes Kiranja Secondary School
• Mugwandi Mixed Secondary School in Kirinyaga County in Kenya.
➢ She is also a board member at African Growth Organisation.
➢ She is a graduate of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. (JKUAT)